let jess be a mod she's good pete WANTED his name changed she does a better job than bri and she's down with the 'kids' she's probably half the reason most of the lads come on here
ruth is that you in your av? post up a bigger version please? in fact don't you have holiday photos for us to look at? i wanna see what you got up to in florida. Did you get photos with all the disney characters? i did when i went it was class
yup it is thank god eyore covers me i posted quite a few in here http://www.nucastle.co.uk/showthread.php?threadid=56910 i only got my photo taken with eeyore & tigger...but got photo's of woody, buzz, winnie the pooh, scooby doo also chatted with woody the wood pecker
tigger was bieng very naughty why can't i post my pic of me with the delorion from back to the future