its horrible and cold and windy and wet now. all wanna do is stay in nice warm bed wit hot chocolate and not hav to get up go to work or anythin. not gonna happen. grrrr. defo need new winter clothes soon.
I just said to Nass we could have doobies in the tunnel and get innocent old people stoned who were in tunnels nearby
honestly i have a 2 degree window where i'm comfortable & then after that i'm either too hot or too cold! i wear 3 tops to work cos its that cold & even on hol i kept saying i was cold & even had the icy arms to vouch for it!
Lasses at work always says its freezing so they get the heating turned up then it fucking boiling like fuck
its air con here...if they turn the temp up tho we all get bit by fleas so instead of cleaning the palce properly they have the temp so low they lie dormant & come home with us instead! :evil: