only when we compalin we've been bit by fleas! seriously! we also have to show them our bites & preferabley a dead flea!
im double ill, double cold, double pissed off and i have a three hour exam on the 'financial services authority' and how / why we must comply with it... pah :evil: *GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*
I hope it snows!! I love snow. Hate rain tho :evil: It horrible. Luckily I wont have to drive in the snow this year after having some disasters last year Love snow ball fights :laugh:
lucky get to work on the bus if the weathers bad i'l have to leave the house at 6 am...i don't get up til 6.20 normally if i'm driving so will have to try to predict the weather! or i might just get my grandma to ring bob johnson, she met him the other week & got a hand written letter & signed photo of him! bless
cold is bad. my skin falls off in very fine flakes. you can see where ive been by the trail of white powder never sniff ne white powder found on my credit card