No, the fact that I'm not getting any adds to the problems... By legal, do we mean barely legal? Were you waiting outside Metroland for people coming out with "I'm 16 Today" badges on?
Re: Re: Re: Women!!! nah not insecure at all mate, to be honest im far better lookin than you and me cracks better, so i kno for a fact u dont have a chance in hell of takin my lass off is, But i do kno when someone is tryin to get the crack on with a lass, and i have seen all txt's you send her, and kno everything u an other people were sayin to her in the backroom, i think that gives me an excuse to be a bit insecure
Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! sorry mate? You can think what you like about me and Katie, it's not my fault you're a knacker. We're friends, and I'm sure she drums that into your oddly-shaped skull every time you get jealous over her talking to me. However, I do have a problem with the fact that every time you speak to me, you act sound as fuck, then you come on here and act like a bitch behind your computer screen. You've had numerous chances to explain every single problem you have with me, and we could've discussed them properly. Obviously the mature approach isn't one that suits you though. Sort your life out.
Hahaha - was only a matter of time before every1 came in with their spoons :laugh: Scandal!?! Where??! Wooooo!! :laugh:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! Allie man who the fuck do you think you are these days?? Stop trying to be something your not aye?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! Eh? What the fuck's wrong with that, and what am I thinking I am? :spangled:
To be fair, nothing out of the ordinary happened on Friday so I dunno what all the fuss is about. Even so tho....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! i dont think anything about you n katie, bcoz there is no you and katie, i kno you mates. but you still wanna get the crack on with her, and it jus humours me that you deny it, cudnt really giv a fuk to be honest, bcoz u dont threaten me in the slightest, and the reason i am sound with you, is bcoz to be honest i think your a sound lad, nd your katies mate so i wud also liek to be mates with ya, but then for me to come home from promise and hear all the stuff thats been goin on in the back room, stuff youve ben saying and other people have been sayin it sorto gets on my nerves. hahahah sort my life out, its fine thanks WEAPON!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH sorry to bring a bitch fight onto the board like people, i made a joke, allie jus seems to wnt to argue his point.,
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! Fucking hell mate, don't call me a weapon, I can't think of anything more insulting. I can't for the fucking life of me think of what on Earth you could mean about the "Stuff you've been saying and other people have been saying", but fair enough... PM me mate.
To be fair if i had a lass and i was taking her to Promise and every man and his dog was pesterign her / trying to get the crack on i think id flip at some point ! I have clipped someone before cos of it and didnt go any further because i didnt want to get thrown out of a club where i visit regulary ! Regardless of if your insecure or not you can only take so much watching people slaver / hover / hassle / be sleazy around someone !! Just my 10p's worth...