Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! Originally posted by dobbs And I remember Allie trying to score with Katie early on in the night, erm, other than that, not much that I know of went on! Care to explain allie?
Thats very true. But I know for a fact that Katie loves Jamie very much. I also know that Katie sees Allie as a mate. Therefore, Jamie shouldn't allow himself to get wound up by it all. I admit its easier said than done tho.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! I just thought that was Dobbs making a joke? :spangled: Care to fuck off and join an argument that's anything to do with you Broony?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! Then again its not as funny as watching you dig your self out of a hole which is deeper than your gay deep house
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! I'd hold back with the insults Broony mate, the way you bandwagon-jump, I wouldn't be surprised if we were playing some of the same tracks in a few months...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Women!!! i think thats highly unlikely to be honest, your music is aids.
oooo tis all kicking off with the promise lot at the mo aint it!!! whats goin on with everyone....?!?!! everythinks becoming well fucked up at the mo aint it!!! i blame the drugs like!!!! i reeli do!!! i suggest we all stop doin em n life wud be soooo much more simpler!! xxxx
i think everyone agrees with ya rachael, wether that actually happens is another thing, as we are all fuk heads and love getting spangled
they cause so many problems tho dont they, without people realisin half the time....wish clubbing wasnt so drug orientated i reeli do, glad all my lot hav seen the light and are no longer fuck heads wud luv every pill dealer in the country to get shopped to the police cos pills are such nasty things and a lot of people dont realise till its too late...sorry am totally goin off on a tangent here like aint i!! there just always seems to be loadsa shit goin on with all us promise regulars, fighting with each other n fallin out n stuff n while lots of its just daft lil arguments some of it reeli aint n i can help thinkin that half ov this probs wudnt happen if ppl didnt take so many drugs....anyways i'll shut up now am just kinda thinking
i think it's the charver mentality that causes a lot of the grief rather than the drink or the drugs!
drink providing mostly confined to a weekend doesnt fuck up up the way drugs do... drugs are more to blame than the charver mentality IMO!! in the situations im referring to they are anyways........ you if there was a Blu Bambu message board it would be A LOT worse than this! I don't think you can just blame the drugs, as someone else said, it's the "charver mentality" - some people just argue for the sake of arguing, and drugs or not, that's not gonna change! Can't even think what a Pig & Whistle message board would look like! And yeah...Allie wasn't really trying to score with Katie on Friday! Wish I hadn't said anything now
personally i wish that lass with the knockers would keep her hands off my jamiepoos i threw a rach on friday