my signature move was the stunner i used to get tombstoned regularly when we went round to one of our mates houses he had a massive soft matrress for powerbombs, chokeslams and pile drivers. One lad got rockbottomed and they smashed through the bed frame
it was funny as hell looking back i remember getting clotheslined and i whacked my head off my mates drawers and cut my head, a first blood match 7 years ago that
After one of the Newcastle one's, we came out and UEP pointed at something soI looked, then he put a wheely bin over my head and body and him & Stereo started to kick it. Split me head open, Then outside at the bottom of the stairs I done a Dudley Dog on big Stereo Mike. Got him by the head and I ran up a lampost and flipped over perfectly ! Tried it again and I ended up in the middle of the road with a knacked botty and winded. All the parents were walking past with there kids. The kids were all chearing, haha, I got up and said "Dont try this at home".