Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Jimbo i know students are bettering themselves, they aren't tax dodgers , they pay there way and work damb hard. Smoggy started by saying he wanted me kicked off, how am i gunna be, oh hi smog, youve forgot your books fella.. I am only talking the piss, i respect smogg for all the effort hes done.
Jimmy ffs man, i am not being serious on here, i know a fair few who come on here are serious, is that my probs, no i dont think so. If i was at work and some **** came on here saying allsorts( like i do) id be like, Rob, bann that ****. Only having banter. Dont worry, i not be on here as much, start my college course in September, took you advice Jimbo, see i do listen sometimes mate
He's been quite well behaved over the past few days, after his warning from Mark, so why the need to start this thread Smog? It's only bringing this shit up again, and giving Ian reason to argue.
Re: Re: yesterday... Be quiet you tool. When I met you you were a completely different person, dare I say it, a nice lad. But ON THIS MESSAGEBOARD you are a cock. Do you get it now? You are the one who digs deep holes... why do you think people always jump on you? That many people cant be wrong, eh buster?
Because everyone knows nothing will change. How many bannings and warnings does it take? If he proved himself from this point on I would be the first to swallow my words, and don't get me wrong I dont dislike him as I have seen what he can be like in person. Its just on here it annoys me and many others. @spence... gurn *edit* - ya might need a password to view the page... someone will give ya one
Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Smog in the past we have had some good banter, tis only a messege board, knowbody takes it seriously.
Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Aye there has been good banter. But I and many others do take racism, sexism, homophobia and highly offensive comments seriously. You have been guilty of all. There becomes points where it is more than just a messageboard. Read the majority of my posts and they are far from serious. I'll tell ya what... if you proved yourself from now on I would happily give you an apology... but is that possible? But then again maybe im just turning into a miserable git
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Smog ive learnt my lesson dude, all that shite i posted under iany-e was shite i can see that now, nothings changed but the fact i know my comments said lightly can offend. So im still the eaisily wound up **** i was but i have learned to chill, ffs, me and da'roody are mates, were buying a house together and everything.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Im sure you are... enjoy the double bed I'll give ya a break, i'm a soft shite... but remember i'll be the first to jump on ya next time ...SMOG
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Get it right, it's King Size so i can fully appreciate the ladies, da'roody's on the settee.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Whatever floats ya boat... just make sure the ladies havent had any ket