Re: Re: Re: yesterday... bollocks bollocks bollocks.... Iany makes the whole board shite with his drivel, so other people have a right to say so.... but what you do is censor that nanny Bri :tut:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Fair do's, he did post about being beat up a few weeks ago, that's what I thought you were getting at!
Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Ian posts stuff which i bet MOST people find funny! Just cos you and a few others dont like it - does this mean its shite? Who's to say whats shite and whats not? Its people moaning thats shit to read - not Ian's posts..... Find a new victim
Anyway - am in a good mood and I wanna go out n have a gud nite. Dont wanna sit reading this drivvel..... Am off. Have a gud nite folks
Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Miller calm down man, he was having a laugh, we know who the people involved are.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... 1. Doesn't seem so from what many ppl have been saying 2. You obviously 3. True, but we're only bitching about Ian's drivel.... same happens in spades every time he gets on here 4. nah, I like Ian as me victim
He has calmed down alot, to be fair there people on the board who are alot more sarcastic and racist etc than Ian is at the moment, people should put the past behind them. Brings me to this old chesnut - Its just a messageboard
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Nee bother, I never knew @pete... i'll agree with that post
Re: Re: yesterday... And your so much better calling him names like that? You only say it to get some kind of reply/bite form him, how sad is that!
why did u make a post bout it anyway? y cudnt u jus pm him or summit? so then evry1 wudnt b abl 2 join in slaggin him off. thats jus mean!
Re: Re: Re: Re: yesterday... Have you moved from the horse to your young pigglet. calling me a weirdo. Hurry up and die joe, your breathing in perfectly good o2, someone else could use that.
Is the Smog on here the same Smog that posted this on the Gurn Messageboard when Iany-e was on ????? I apologise on behalf of the whole north east... when they closed the pits a lot of people were left without reason to live... some of these people got computers... unfortunately.
This is what i was getting at the other day when i said my jaw was aching from yawning. Everybody is just going crazy about this, and i know some people dont like Ian for whatever reasons...but u cant like everybody. I know he has offended people and done stuff some people feel he shouldnt but cant this just be left alone now? Its been going on for ages, and i think he has calmed down a lot recently since the other day. When me and him had a showdown. :cow: Some shit has happened...but it appears to be over now...he may be a cock sometimes but talking about it isnt going 2 make it any better